Living Proof: the Isaac Newton Institute podcast

“Meet the… Simons Postdoctoral Fellows” mini series #12 Dr Luke Davis

Season 1 Episode 66

Established in 2021, the INI Postdoctoral Fellowships in Mathematics scheme enables “exceptional early career researchers in the mathematical sciences” to gain “experience, independence and new connections on their way to a successful academic career”.

In this episode of Living Proof, Dan Aspel speaks to Dr Luke Davis to learn about his journey through mathematics so far, and to find out what being awarded this Fellowship – which involves spending six months on the INI research programme “Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion” – means to him personally.

00:00 - Introduction

00:38 - Welcome

01:55 - Taking part in “Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion” (

05:54 - What does an early career researcher bring to an INI research programme? And what can they gain?

10:50 - Why transition from physics to mathematics?

13:40 - The experience of working at INI, “a place engineered for people to think, to talk”

15:04 - The future, the University of Edinburgh